Can a Prolapsed Uterus Cause Lower Back Pain

Very often, we associate the pelvic floor with urinary leaks or intimacy. Notwithstanding the pelvic floor muscles accept a very important job. It surrounds the anus and the genitals and extends from the pubic os to the coccyx. A weakened pelvic flooring tin lead to diverse wellness problems, such as organ prolapse. Back problems tin can also have a negative consequence on the pelvic flooring or the pelvic flooring becomes a trigger for back pain.

The back is subject to constraints during the day because of activities of daily life only also during the night considering of the lying position maintained for several hours. Although the dorsum mostly appreciates move and dislikes immobility, non all movements are good for it. Lower dorsum pain can have many causes that are often misdiagnosed. A weakened pelvic flooring tin besides exist related to back pain. So if you take any doubts, consult your doctor.

Here are the main ones:

  • one Posture, lower back pain and pelvic floor:
  • two Back pain and the impact of the pelvic floor
  • iii Better empathize the muscle bondage
  • 4 How to avoid lower back pain?

Posture, lower back pain and pelvic floor:

Back pain tin can alter the posture and a bad posture can provoke lower dorsum hurting.tin atomic number 82 to lower back hurting and touch on the pelvic flooring muscles. Indeed, the vagina has an oblique orientation: the top is oriented backward, and the lesser is oriented forward, as you tin see on the following diagram:

Pelvic floor

In combination with a normally aligned lumbar spine, this arrangement protects the organs of the small pelvis. These normally lie on top of each other and "balance" on the pelvic floor. If posture is weak, the forces interim on these organs modify and complications tin can occur in the long term. Complications include, for instance, a rectocele or cystoycele.

Dorsum pain and the impact of the pelvic floor

In the instance of a besides curved lumbar, the vagina's axis loses its usual orientation (from the back to the front end) and becomes vertical. The cervix goes on top of the vagina. Associated with other factors (bad posture, strong intestinal push button, chronic coughing, pelvic floor weakness…) It tin can so brainstorm to slowly descend, which in the worst case can lead to prolapse.

When the back is curved frontward, this is what nosotros call a kyphosis. The diaphragm presses on the abdominal organs, the pelvic pressure level increases, and the organs employ pressure on the pelvic floor (we can notice an impression of heaviness in the lower belly). Pregnant women also run the run a risk of adopting this bad posture due to the extra weight.

poor posture can lead to perineal problems

Ameliorate understand the muscle chains

The pelvic floor muscles, like other muscles in the body, don't function independently. They are linked to other muscles in the form of "muscle chains"

For example, the nearly known muscle chain is the leg posterior muscle chain that gathers hamstrings, calves, and foot arches. It is because of the chain that it is complicated to rise a straight leg because all the muscles are stretched, whereas information technology is much easier to enhance it with a slightly bended knee (that would de-stretch the hamstrings).

The pelvic muscles work simultaneously with back muscles and abdominals. The pelvic flooring is once again the center of it, because it is located in the intersection between the 2 biggest muscle chains: the posterior concatenation and the forepart chain.

An idea of Françoise Mézières

The muscle chains were described past Françoise Mézières, a French physiotherapist. She has developed a care concept based on stretching. According to her, muscular retractions can provoke pain or further complications elsewhere in the muscle bondage.

Consequently, for instance, too much or bereft flexibility can severely affect the pelvic floor and vice versa.

This list of links between the pelvic floor and the lower back pain is a non-complete list, but it helps to understand that the body is more than just a complex of independent organs. Each organ is influenced by others and the body must be seen every bit a whole.

How to avoid lower back hurting?

Dorsum pain tin occur because of a bad move, overloading, etc. It can be interesting to take a few minutes to analyze pain:

  • Does it appear in the morn? During the night? In the evening, after a long workday?
  • Is information technology caused past a particular move? A special posture?
  • Is it improved by massage? Heat? Stretching?

These indications volition assist you place what causes the hurting and what relieves it.

In whatsoever example, the back likes and has to move! But exist careful not to practice painful movements, because the worst is non moving, being immobilized. Allow's non forget that the word "physiotherapist" comes from the old Greek and means "heal by move".

Sports we recommend are soft sports like walking, swimming, gym, and yous tin endeavour yoga or pilates besides.

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