Had to Upload an Image to a Github Ticket

GitHub pages brand for a prissy blogging platform if you similar working with git and markdown. I blogged most it earlier this year.

But when it comes to embedding screenshots in your posts, information technology's not obvious what the all-time arroyo is. In this post, I'll beginning talk over a couple options that I didn't similar, and then suggest an arroyo that I think works pretty well.

Bad pick #1: shop your images in your git repo

Since your GitHub Pages blog is based of a git repo, there is something to be said for storing your images in the repo itself, so that they are versioned alongside your markdown.

The steps to do this would go something like this:

  • Use something like the Snipping Tool to select the desired area of the screen.
  • Salve it in the images folder of your GitHub Pages repo, giving it a meaningful name
  • Reference it from your mail using something like this: ![something cool](/images/SomethingCool.JPG)
  • Add and commit the image to your repo

Why I'yard non using this arroyo

In that location are a couple reasons why I don't apply this approach.

The get-go is that it's a heck of a lot of steps that you take to go through for each epitome. When you've previously used a tool like Windows Live Writer where you but elevate and driblet images into your post, it's a major drop in productivity.

The second reason is that I have a serious disfavor to storing binaries in git repos. Each image forever remains in the repo history, making it irreversibly bloated. Sometimes, you may need to make adjustments to previously published images, piling on more crap onto your repo. You may see information technology equally a benefit to accept the full and true history tracked past your repo, only for me the drawbacks really outweigh the benefits.

Bad choice #two: utilise an external image sharing site

I use MarkdownPad two to author my markdown. It has a user-friendly selection to upload an image to Imgur and insert the right markdown. Other markdown editors have similar options.

Why I'yard not using this approach

I merely don't trust those external image hosting services to stay effectually forever. Have you heard of Twitpic? It most disappeared a calendar month a ago along with all your cherished images. It got saved at the eleventh hr, but clearly it's quite a hazard to trust these sites for posterity. Don't do it!

Suggested selection: use GitHub bug to store your images

GitHub problems has a very absurd characteristic that lets you lot effortlessly drib images into an issue. Information technology automatically uploads it to its deject and inserts the right markdown.

Here is how nosotros can corruption this feature for our GitHub Pages posts:

  • For each blog mail service, create a new event, to continue things organized. e.m here is the issue I'm using for this postal service.
  • When you need to embed a screenshot, get it into your clipboard using your tool of choice. I only utilize the Windows Snipping Tool.
  • Become to the GitHub issue and paste it right into the comment. And bang, magic happens and GitHub gives you the markdown pointing you the deject hosted image. Information technology will look like ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/556238/5241760/e17ae9f4-78d9-11e4-86f5-6e168adcea87.png)
  • Paste that markdown in your post, and you're done!

Here is an instance:


Various tips about using these 'imitation' GitHub issues:

  • If you lot have multiple images, you tin add then to the same annotate in the GitHub issue. Or you could create additional comments in the same consequence if you prefer. It really doesn't make much difference.
  • It's a skilful idea to name the issue subsequently the blog mail service, to continue things tidy
  • When I create these issues, I close them right abroad, since they are non existent problems.

Why I like this arroyo

This approach is undeniably a hack, as it uses GitHub issues in ways they were non intended. Despite that, it adds up to a decent solution for me.

Get-go of all, the workflow is quite efficient. Once you have the effect created, y'all tin can become through all the steps in only a few seconds (afterwards having captured the screenshot in the Snipping tool). It's however non quite the Alive Writer experience, but it gets pretty close.

And second of all, it keeps your repo mean and lean!

The elephant in the room here is that this technique is not fundamentally different from my Bad option #2 to a higher place. In both cases, the images are stored in some cloud somewhere, and if that deject was to evaporate, your images would be gone.

Then what makes one bad and the other one good? Well, the reasoning is that by using GitHub pages, you're already trusting GitHub to host your repo likewise as your alive blog. And then in a sense, by relying on Issues (on that aforementioned repo), you're only extending your use of GitHub, rather than take an boosted external dependency. And I more often than not trust GitHub to stay around longer than those diverse image hosting services that lack whatever tangible concern model.

At present, if you're reading this postal service and see a broken paradigm to a higher place, you tin can express joy your ass off and say that I was wrong.


Source: http://blog.davidebbo.com/2014/11/using-issues-for-github-pages-screenshots.html

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